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  • Changshu F Station   
  • IP30123023
  • CUI LIAN WEN 2023, Traditional chinese painting, Paper ink painting, sold
  • excellent
  • ¥3,500.00
  • 183cm ×118cm 20
Art appreciation
The painting shows a sunny forest, accompanied by a baby elephant swimming in the forest. The elephant is full of curiosity about the colorful world, the elephant is innocent and happy. On the one hand, the screen adopts elegant tone, which enhances the purity and comfort of the atmosphere, warm and harmonious; on the other hand, it adopts traditional fine brush rendering techniques, three alum nine dyes, elegant colors, unified and harmonious tones, giving people a feeling of tranquility and peace. Elephants in many cultures represent good and auspicious meaning.
China Artist

Brief introduction of cui lianwen: cui lianwen (stage name: lianwen), now living in beijing, is a free artist. He successively studied in the institute of modern meticulous painting of the ministry of culture and the institute of meticulous painting of the chinese academy of arts. He learned from famous artists such as wang tiansheng, tang xiuling, sang jianguo, he jiaying and su baidou. Member of china artists association, member of china meticulous painting association, member of china female painters association, national first-class artist, member of ningxia artists association, member of beijing heavy color painting association, member of china minority art promotion association, the works of the member of china contemporary women's painting association, the painter of capital calligraphy and pictorial art center, and the vice chairman of chinese women painters union have been selected and awarded many times in the major national art exhibitions hosted by china artists association, it has been exhibited overseas for many times. The works are collected by art galleries, art institutions and individuals.

Group exhibition/group exhibition
Many works participated in the "2012 contemporary hanmo hundred" art boutique invitation exhibition-suzhou
Many works participate in the "new era" the first small-size boutique exhibition of chinese songzhuang artworks-beijing
Work "afternoon" participated in the "welcome 18th national congress art works invitational exhibition" and won the excellence award-beijing
Many works participated in the "chinese contemporary young artists" painting invitational exhibition-singapore
Many works participated in beijing -- shanghai artists "western public welfare ecological carbon reduction forest" art works invitational exhibition -- shanghai
Product participate in "looking for time" participate in "canal 16 city fine arts exhibition"-beijing
Many works participate in the tour exhibition of "chinese contemporary art under mutual fans"-many provinces and cities across the country
The work "spring promise" was selected in the fifth national chinese painting exhibition of "ming de he rong", and the work was collected
Many works participated in the joint exhibition of contemporary female painters of "daiqing yingyuan"-beijing
The work "pure land" was selected in the second national art exhibition of "pilgrimage to dunhuang", and the work was collected
The work "autumn voice" participated in the exhibition of chinese and russian young painters art works on "celebrating march 8th international women's day"
The work "april day" participated in the 6th national chinese painting exhibition of "mingde harmony", and the work was collected
"Journey to the heaven" participated in the first exhibition of chinese paintings and oil paintings of "silk road. Hanmo tongwei", and the works were collected
The work "walking into miao's house" participated in the 2016 national chinese painting exhibition of "hanmo qingzhou"
The work "crescent spring" participated in the second national fine brushwork exhibition of "work in modern times"
Many works participate in "spring fragrance" female artists celebrate international women's day art works exhibition-beijing
Many works participated in "2017 italian art exhibition" hosted by italian erya culture and trade promotion association sino-italian cultural exchange exhibition --- rome, italy
The work "medlar red" was selected into the creation ecology and the trend of the times of contemporary chinese painting-the national exhibition of chinese painting works, and the works were collected
The work "morning dew" was selected into the national art exhibition for the 90th anniversary of the founding of the chinese people's liberation army and the 13th national art exhibition of the whole army. It was qualified for membership and was collected by the china art museum.
The work "back to hometown" participated in the "china homeland" art creation project sponsored by china artists association
The work "going back to hometown" was selected into the art creation project of "china homeland" sponsored by the central museum of literature and history research, the state council counselor's office, the chinese federation of literature and art and the chinese association of fine arts, etc.
Work "warm winter" participated in the exhibition of excellent works of new art group calligraphers and painters in beijing
Work "night" participated in "2018 member works exchange exhibition of beijing fine brushwork heavy color painting association"-beijing
Many works, such as "yougu lu ming", participated in "bao pu han zhen ---- chinese painting masters invitational exhibition"-beijing
The work "looking for xu ras" participated in the image of the times ---- 2019 nomination exhibition of famous chinese figure painters
Works "agilawood" "meet" participated in the 5th "spring rhyme-chinese female painters boutique exhibition"-beijing
Works "fragrance" and "quiet summer" participated in the gift for 70 years. Colorful 70 people --- the first "yi ya bai jia" chinese beauty association famous sketch nomination exhibition
Works "gao jie" and "xin xian" participated in the opening ceremony of yi ya art museum and the exhibition of famous paintings and calligraphy
Work "green island" participated in the exhibition of excellent works of new literary and art group calligraphers and painters
Many works participated in the "painting from the heart --- contemporary figure painting masters double exhibition chongqing
Work "changqing" participated in the invitation exhibition of famous calligraphers and calligraphers commemorating the 126th anniversary of mao zedong's birth
Works "geng zhi ji" and "sing as before" participate in meeting aesthetic and presenting female -2020 china art masters invitational exhibition
Works such as "the sound of autumn" and many other works participated in huizhi lan xin to present danqing --- celebration of women's day famous chinese painting works invitational exhibition beijing
The work "falling and sparse curtain" participated in her time 2021 national famous female painter excellent works exhibition beijing
The work "red all over the mountains" participated in the exhibition of fine arts and calligraphy works to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china and to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the victory of the chinese workers' and peasants' red army in the long march jiangxi province
The work "red all over the mountain" participated in the theme art calligraphy exhibition across the long march road beijing
The work "autumn color" participated in the painting of ruyi, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party was celebrated by the chinese association of female painters of xuanhe, beijing
Many works such as "quiet fragrant mountain without vulgar guests" participated in the second haidian sanshan wuyuan theme art exhibition of "art sanshan wuyuan" beijing
Works such as xuanxiang participated in the first china contemporary meticulous painting art exhibition of china cultural and art talent management center beijing
The work "flower cuo" participated in the winter olympics. Painting new articles --- member works exhibition of beijing fine brushwork heavy color painting association beijing
Works "quiet summer" and other works participated in the second china yuan universe digital art exhibition beijing
The work "ai zihar" participated in eulogizing the new era and welcomed the 20th beijing fine-brushwork and heavy-color painting association members' works exhibition in beijing
Work "nanniwan" participated in the 13th china. Songzhuang culture and art festival, building dreams and welcoming the party's 20 major theme art exhibitions in beijing
Work "spring language" participated in ink painting china-national famous sketch invitational exhibition beijing
The work "morning light" participated in the national painting and calligraphy masters invitational exhibition of "building a free trade port and forging ahead in a new era" haikou
Work "green tea" participated in hong kong yunfeng gallery hanmo elegant rhyme chinese painting boutique exhibition guangdong
Work "fine autumn sound" participated in jin shang ming rui. Contemporary chinese painting boutique exhibition guangdong
The work "song of spring" participated in the exhibition of ink-dyed fresh breeze chinese paintings in beijing
The work "spring whispering" participated in the member boutique exhibition of beijing heavy color painting association beijing
Many works participated in the exhibition of works of chinese female painters of "times women-long songs" beijing national academy of painting
The work "walking on songs" participated in the "women of the times-special exhibition to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the chinese association of female painters" in beijing
The work "spring comes again" participated in the delicate stand. The era painting painting club member exhibition beijing
Get reward
The work "utopia" won the excellence award of 2012 contemporary 100 chinese meticulous painters nomination exhibition
The work "xiangyun" won the excellence award of 2014 contemporary 100 chinese meticulous painters nomination exhibition
Work "morning dew" participated in the national art exhibition wishing the 90th anniversary of the founding of the chinese people's liberation army and won the qualification of joining the 13th national art exhibition (excellent award)
The work "holy garden" participated in the first exhibition of chinese contemporary female painting and calligraphy representative works and won the excellence award
The work "cool night" won the excellence award in the exhibition of poetry and painting works "flourishing fragrance. Women's praise"
The work "bright spring" participated in the national chinese painting exhibition commemorating the 120th anniversary of zhou enlai's birth and won the qualification to join the exhibition (excellence award)
Work "hope" participated in the fifth national excellent works exhibition of female painters in "art market" and won the second prize
Artist related works