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The second impression of Banna
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The second impression of Banna copyright
  • Changfengwenhua Station   
  • IP19021002
  • DONG ZHE 2019, Traditional chinese painting, Paper color, sold
  • excellent
  • ¥10,700.00
  • 238cm ×197cm 43
Introduction the painter

Dong zhe (pen name: hengchuan), male, han nationality. From tongwei, gansu province, graduated from the academy of fine arts of tianshui normal university and learned from teacher qi guorong. He successively studied in the chinese painting creation center, ma shunxian studio, the senior chinese painting research class of tsinghua academy of fine arts, and zhang yu studio, the academy of painting of renmin university of china, xiong xiaodong studio of chinese painting academy of capital normal university, wu jingchu traditional chinese painting studio of xiling printing house, etc. Now he is a senior teacher of no. 3 middle school in tongwei county, a member of china artists association, vice-chairman of tongwei art association and executive vice-chairman of tongwei painting and calligraphy exchange connoisseur association.

China Gansu Artist
BORN IN 1977

Dong zhe (pen name: hengchuan), male, han nationality. From tongwei, gansu province, graduated from the academy of fine arts of tianshui normal university and learned from teacher qi guorong. He successively studied in the chinese painting creation center, ma shunxian studio, the senior chinese painting research class of tsinghua academy of fine arts, and zhang yu studio, the academy of painting of renmin university of china, xiong xiaodong studio of chinese painting academy of capital normal university, wu jingchu traditional chinese painting studio of xiling printing house, etc. Now he is a senior teacher of no. 3 middle school in tongwei county, a member of china artists association, vice-chairman of tongwei art association and executive vice-chairman of tongwei painting and calligraphy exchange connoisseur association.

Group exhibition/group exhibition
Hometown feelings was selected in the third national art exhibition of "pilgrimage to dunhuang"
The work "longyuan family" was selected into shangyi. 2017 national chinese painting (freehand brushwork) exhibition
The work "looking at this life on the north bank of the yellow river" was selected in the third loudong (taicang) national landscape painting exhibition of "revisiting classics"
The work "yellow river ballad" was selected in the national chinese painting exhibition of "mountains and rivers, colorful zhaoqing"
The work "the road to happiness" was selected in beautiful china. Commemorating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up-national chinese painting exhibition
The work "the road to happiness" was selected as "the 70th anniversary of the founding of new china-the 13th national art exhibition gansu art works selection exhibition"
The work "dunhuang spirit" was eligible for membership in the 11th national fine brushwork exhibition.
The work "the legacy of dunhuang" was qualified to join the national chinese painting exhibition focusing on poverty alleviation and moving towards a well-off life. In 2020, "the country is as charming as this, and the new yu fu huoshi"
Artist related works
The second impression of Banna